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About Ysobel Art Gallery

Founded in March 2011, YSOBEL Art Gallery showcases a considerable range of aesthetics of Filipino art. Our program is slanted on authenticity, artistic positions, and values of each represented artist as the gallery’s humble contribution to the advancement of art production and progression towards a cultural mindset. Our gallery stands for a degree of tradition but remains consistently open to art innovations across artistic generations and the expanding premises of visual art.

Art Gallery in Taguig City, Metro Manila.

YSOBEL Art Gallery was established in March 2011. It showcases a wide range of Filipino art styles. As the gallery's modest contribution to art production and cultural awareness, our program emphasizes authenticity and artistic positions. While our gallery is committed to preserving a certain amount of art tradition, it remains open to new ideas and developments in visual art across all artistic generation. YSOBEL Art Gallery aspires be a center for outstanding exhibitions and an exceptional collection of visual arts from young and emerging artists.

Foster young artists, their optimism and support their artistic career. With sincere goals to foster and expand public interactions between viewers and artists, we organize and present a series of coherent, visual stimulating, thoughtful, well-researched art exhibitions. 2020 by Ysobel Art Gallery x XQ

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